Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Book reveiw 4: January Conspiracy 365

             January Conspiracy 365 is the first book of twelve books, all written by Gabrielle Lord. In the beginning of the book there is an incident with a sick man telling Cal, the main character, "hide and lay low until midnight Dec. 31st of next year, you have 365 days" (pg. 183). Also the man is saying Cal's father was not sick he was murdered. Before Cal's father died, while hid dad is in the hospital he couldn't speak, so his dad drew drawings. Cal got a call from a nurse who has some of the drawings from his father and wanted to meet up to give them to him. Cal arrives at the place the nurse wanted to meet at, and he got kidnapped. He was questioned by the kidnappers about the Ormond Singularity and Cal didn't know, the kidnappers put Cal in a small room but it has a skylight and Cal stacked up stools and escaped out the skylight. Cal got home and his mom didn't notice Cal was late because she is under loads of stress. The next night Cal got home to find his Uncle Rafe shot and unconscious and not breathing, Cal thought, who would do this? Then he realized that Gabbi is home too, Cal rushed upstairs to find Gabbi shot and not breathing. Cal performed CPR to Gabbi and got her to breath again but she didn't wake up. The kidnappers were in the house and Cal ran outside to get away from them. Cal was blamed for shooting his family because his finger prints were on the gun. Cal was on the news, and was asked to go back home and sort it out with the cops. Cal was disguised and didn't look like himself. The next day Cal went out to get food and got kidnapped again. They asked him about the Ormond Singularity but Cal still didn't have an answer. Cal was dragged to an oil vault and the kidnappers sealed the lid and turned it on The oil came rushing in and started to fill the tank. It was at his knees, then his chin, about to fill up all the way, and kill him.

          The theme of this book was that you shouldn't give up, even when your life is in danger. An example of this is when Cal was curious about the drawings Cal says, "I pulled the drawings out again and spread them on the floor, studying them for hours, trying to make sense of what my father might have meant when he drew them" (p.46). Cal didn't give up and figured out one of the drawings and says it's " a blackjack" (p.30). Cal doesn't give up his curiosity for the drawings and say, "I'd spent the last couple days hidden in the house studying the drawings" (p.45). This is the theme I chose because this is what I noticed the most in the book.
          I recommend this book because it's interesting and has a lot of action. When I picked up the book I thought it was to thick, but after a couple pages I was eager to read the rest. There's plenty of action. You'll tend to ask yourself questions about the mysteries. Most of you will want a smaller book, but this book is worth it.